View Full Version : Trommel to Jovita Constrution Site

12-09-2015, 06:01 PM
Hello everyone
I am creating a new project to a trommel to expand a little and invest in the separation of inert aggregates with fine separation , separation medium , and gravel .
The model is already in finalization phase, only a few mechanical details still to be solved but I briefly get it to work 100 %
Still will miss then make the walkway that will lead from the discharge box until the cylinder

Stay tuned for upcoming news!

http://s6.postimg.org/dt3gkicnl/12342430_10153792737547354_2490417683802917788_n.j pg

http://s6.postimg.org/479w47lht/12347910_10153792737447354_7085752693408329594_n.j pg