View Full Version : West Coast Remote Control Trucks

04-01-2012, 04:37 AM
Boy its certainly amusing when you see old posts!
Like the one up the top with the website for BigRigs on the Amnet address?
Has not been there for about 10 months and never will be back up under my name as I am no longer a member of that club.
Several of us who had become displeased with the club had decided to leave and we have now started up our own group.

West Coast Remote Control Trucks - http://www.bigrigswa.com

Yeh, I know it still says bigrigs in the domain name but as I own it I may as well use it!

Check out the site, it's still in it's infancy but should start to grow rapidly now I have the basics done.

Well it should grow it I get the time, just about every weekend is tied up with building things or doing shows! Talk about having a ball ..... You had better believe it!

04-01-2012, 06:42 PM
Hi guy, what's happening over in WA with the new group and are you the people for Big Rig ???