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Lil Giants 08-12-2015 03:41 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
That'd be great to have you stop by Steve. :cool: Having a bit of trouble with the packer wheels, the grass roots in soil & the dirt being so wet, it's clogging up in the cleaners & forcing the inside cleaner holder to turn on the axle. Got to take it apart & add more set screws. But otherwise it's doing a great job packing! I walk on it afterwards & hardly leave a print.

The drawbar packer, the cleaners are a little tight, fine grit or small rocks will cause in to jam. The clay dirt is quite moist & sticky.

Lou & I too old & tired to go looking for such trouble Greg. ;) :p

headers 08-13-2015 03:07 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
The packer is a very nice piece of machine Joe looking good

Lil Giants 08-14-2015 02:48 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
It does a great job packing Ricky! :cool:


TRUCKMAKER 08-15-2015 11:21 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
That looks great Joe, have you ever thought of adding a road grader to the arsenal?

Lil Giants 08-15-2015 02:36 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
I made an offer on Ari's a couple yrs ago, but he never got back to me. :(

I did a lil combining yesterday, 20ac haha, got another 10ac to do next week when it ripens, but other than that I have an unusual amount of free time this time of yr, which I have been soaking up with this tunnel dig. Just about done the 1st cut, go back to that 3rd post, then cut the entry ramp and start on the next 14" cut.




Lil Giants 08-22-2015 02:37 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Left rear wheel on the B50 stopped turning last night... tear the rear axle down & narrowed the problem to the brushless motor failing :thinking: I got a spare brushless motor/gearhead from the loader kit I haven't built yet, esc must be fine b/c motor replacement runs smooth... good to have spare parts! :D



modelman 08-25-2015 10:30 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Looks like your work is progressing nicely joe-I thought the brushless motors were a little more dependable than the brushed motors. Did you have a lot of hours on it?

Lil Giants 08-25-2015 11:32 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
I'm sure I have surpassed the 500 loads mark with it already Tom, and 300+ were climbing the steep grade out of my basement this Spring. The B50 has become as much of a necessity as the JD850, when it quits - everything stops & I fix the trk right away, no substitutes! :)

But same day after above pics taken, I hauled 3 loads & then entire rear axle stops working... wt? :thinking: tear it down again to discover that I didn't get the wires pulled & secured tight enough & the outrunners cut the red motor wires. One motor was a quick fix, the other one - the new one I just put in, smoked the motor & esc too. :mad:


So I did something a little different so that wouldn't happen again.


Most of Sunday spent wrenching on the B50, but it's working fine again.

Just about finished top cut... the distance between these two posts, the grass roots are more abundant & when spread & packed, the roots & sticky clay is clogging the cleaners bad! I gotta take the cleaners off to get that crap out!



Cut down about 4" & across.


Piling the contaminated dirt off to side here for now & haul it outside later.


chris deacon 08-27-2015 05:11 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
hey lil giants look what popped up on my facebook page today

Lil Giants 08-27-2015 12:04 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Since Sunday I've gotten about 50 new subs on youtube, so I wondered where the media source was coming from this time... thanx for the tip Chris. ;) Reading the article... "9 cubic feet annually" :rolleyes: I left a short comment.

Last night I cut the entry ramp to the lower level... I still got about 4 days or more before I can hit the field, I'm starting to vibrate b/c so many combines going around me & my crop just won't mature! This rc hobby has been a great escape from reality, especially this yr with so much bad weather.



Lil Giants 09-16-2015 01:43 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Pics taken last couple weeks...

Down on the 2nd cut the clay is much denser, wetter, rolls up like plaster sine & was clogging the cleaners on the B4206 bad! I could tell by the way it was moving around that the motors were straining pretty hard & the varying degrees of resistance from each packer wheel was also putting tremendous strain on the electric steering too... back to tires on 4206.

The Izzybilt dozer tracks were gumming up bad too... so no more mucking around with tracks in this stuff... flatten out the piles with Stahl wheel loader & pack with a loaded ADT or the 4206 with pan & 3 packer wheels in the box for weight works great too.



My 1st try at tiging aluminum... Reg makes it look easy :thinking:



2nd try welding a block to a plate... much like my mig welding, it aint pretty but it aint coming apart either! :D


And look here at this monster boulder!!! and I'm still digging deeper to find the bottom of it! :eek:




That rock could be a couple hundred lbs :eek:... probably rig up a harness & use my engine crane & call the neighbor for a hand... I sure hope I don't find any more like it in the tunnel... I wonder if the 10th scale D9 would drag it out, best get busy working on bringing that back to life during these rainy days of late. ;)

modelman 09-16-2015 11:52 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Hi joe-it is amazing that all the people that are chosen to write stories on this type of work do not have a clue about what is really going on. I laugh each time I read an article about "the crazy Canadian". Oh well, their loss. It will be interesting to see what you find in the tunnel dig since that dirt probably has been there for many many years. I doubt if any type of R/C equipment can move that rock but it would be good to see the D9 back in action. I'm sure you will come up with something that will be interesting to watch.

Cooper 09-16-2015 12:11 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Might be time to drill and blast!! Lol!! I guess that would be hammer and chisel. I've move a few big 200+ pound rocks from the pit. I kept digging around them and made a gully or path to finally end up using a digging bar to hand push them into new location. Had to use the 1:1 backhoe to move some of them. At least you know that you aren't going to be hitting bedrock a few feet down. If it's like the basement dirt, it may be hard diggin but at least it's still able to to be dug up. Rocks are better than bones!! Lol!!!

Lil Giants 09-16-2015 06:57 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
The other Joe told me he towed his riding lawnmower through the grass with the D9, the winch had originally plastic gears & they stripped, so he changed them to metal gears & now the dozer utilizes all its power... we'll see what happens Tom.

As moist as this clay is atm RW, I sink that 4" ripper tooth in 3 passes, it's pretty sweet digging... I hope I can maintain a steady enough dig travel that the dirt never gets as dry & hard as what I endeavored with the basement dig... probably use limited heat in this room during winter, enough to keep from freezing my fingers, just to avoid excessive evaporation. ;)

Dug down another 6" this morning, still no bottom. The JD850 might be able to dig another 3" down from it's perch before it's out of reach.





RCP57 09-16-2015 07:25 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
That's a strange looking rock Joe. You sure it's not a head stone?:eek:

schmoking 09-16-2015 08:01 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
ugh.. thats what i thought.
this is creepy, it looks like a gravestone.. :jaw:

spudd 09-16-2015 08:11 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Hey Joe. I think I still have a stick of dynamite that can remove that problem real quick

Supermario 09-16-2015 09:13 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
I can see the headlines now.... " Stonehenge found in Saskatchewan! " :lol:

Loving the dig so far Joe, hope the soil stays right for you and no crusher required on this project.:)

rccrazy523 09-16-2015 09:30 PM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Just in time for Halloween lol
That really does look like a headstone

Lil Giants 09-17-2015 01:44 AM

Re: LilGiantsConstrCO
Head stone?! :eek: It's definitely just an ordinary rock, a big somewhat jagged edge flat rock... not hand chiseled, nor chunk of manmade cement. I don't know wtf you ppl watch on tv or troll for on the internet to satisfy your curiosity with or dream about when you close your eyes to sleep... sinister ideas... I'm being rhetorical, I don't want to know! :p :D

My grandfather came out here from Ontario in 1905, the mainline railway that goes coast to coast is 30miles north of me, took my grandpa a day to walk out here and find a quarter section to start a way of life on... there's was nothing but prairie for as far as the eye could see when he got here. His homestead is a mile east of me. Where I live, it was homesteaded in 1925 by the brother of the guy that married my grandfather's sister & this house was built in 1929. My father's farm is 1,5 mile NE from grandfather's, was homesteaded in 1909 and belonged to my grandfather's brother-in-law.

However, it just occurred to me the reason why that big rock is so vertical & so perfectly positioned due East-West is b/c I'm quite likely right on top of the trench for the waterline that goes from my well that's 20 feet away (back of 2nd photo) out to my barn where a hydrant & two cattle waterers are. Mystery solved ;) :D :p :lol:

Waterline should be another 6 or 7 feet below where this rock is... but why the f? would they throw a boulder like that back in the trench?! :thinking:

Calm down spuddy... this is a brand new building & I want to keep it for awhile. :eek: :rolleyes:

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