RC Truck and Construction

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-   -   Is this hobby dying in the US? (https://www.rctruckandconstruction.com/showthread.php?t=12147)

Claus 12-21-2016 02:32 AM

Is this hobby dying in the US?
Just curious what people think. Is this hobby dying in the United States or is this website slowing down? Seems like when I joined here in 2010 there were new truck builds or updates every day now it seems so slow. Used to be the vendors on this site were coming up with new custom products all the time. Also noticed people selling off their trucks and equipment.

TRUCKMAKER 12-21-2016 07:27 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I think FaceBook has a lot to do with it. I stayed away from it for years. Thought the same way you do so I finally signed up and found a lot of people on there every day that used to be on here every day. I do know that some of the builders on here have had "life changing situations" that have taken them away from the hobby or slowed way back and that's their business and we'll leave it at that.

bigdogrod 12-21-2016 07:56 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
i also think this hobby has gotten so expensive, it's hard to continue after a while. 4,000 for a plastic and metal toy is a lot of money for the vast majority of people i think. and some folks don't realize that you NEVER get out of anything, especially a minor sector of the hobby scene, what you put into things....

wolfws6 12-21-2016 08:54 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
The cost is whats killing me. I'm so ready to build another truck. Most people don't have a clue on how much this stuff cost. I get all the time, "hey you sell me that truck for for $500 bucks. I got like $2300 and a million hours to make this. Also I don't want to sell it to build another one. Also Faceplant and Instagram has taken alot of users away from traditional forums.

Claus 12-21-2016 09:08 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I defiantly agree about the cost of the construction models, in that respect I can much more easily justify $10K for a used 1:1 piece of construction equipment that I could use around my place than $5K for a new RC toy that I think I would not use much at all (that doesn't mean I don't think the toys are cool). But everybody wants different things out of life and money. As for the hobby I enjoy building a truck or two and watching what others build on this forum but have no real interest in going to RC shows and driving a truck around, I know, that's kind of weird.

RCP57 12-21-2016 09:41 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
It's always been an expensive hobby so I don't know if that's it. I hate to say it but since I joined Crackbook a few months ago I post pictures here way less. IMO this site needs an upgrade or it is going to die. We have new people joining all of the time and the first thing they try to do is post pictures of their build or builds. It rarely ever works out because not everyone uses an online storage for their photos(I know I wouldn't if it weren't for RCT&C) and they have to set one up. Maybe not that difficult for most but it is a turn off if you are new and only want to post a picture or two to test the waters. I don't know the ins and outs of it and I know it costs more but this is the only forum I have ever posted on that I can't post pictures directly from my PC. It seems to me that it's a pain using Photobucket or whatever even for us long-term people because it often has glitches ect. I love this site and I want to see it continue to grow! I think the hobby is gaining ground in North America, we are just not seeing it here unfortunately.

Snochaser 12-21-2016 02:49 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I'm still going strong, just don't post as much. Just have a little lull do to me building a new home. Like Reg said it's gaining momentum in North America I believe. I've also noticed people build quietly then reveal their builds at shows as surprises.

frizzen 12-21-2016 05:22 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I thought it was more of an economy thing.
The usa still hasn't actually recovered from the recession of 2008 since we didn't let it correct, everyone's paying more for worse insurance, inflation...
It's harder to pull up the disposable income for toys when more is being kept from you.

On the up side, europe is sucking too, and the exchange rate for euro is about even with the dollar right now. So it's a good time to buy euro kits.

Mikem 12-21-2016 06:59 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I'm enjoying this new to me hobby (3 years) I've built 4 trucks working on the 5th . They all have been kit bashed and modified . Price wise I keep hunting around and this site has been the best to get a decent deal on and I trust people here . I agree with hobbies slowing down for whatever reason but I think it's all around , I know that with my trains . I also agree with Reg RCP it's no fun trying to load a pic on this site , Mario helped a lot but to many steps , Facebook boom it's there . Photobucket has a burp and nothing works anymore and I'm one who won't spend hours trying to figure out my computer when I can be modelling . I also agree lots of long time builders seem to have disappeared ,and I learn from them . This past summer was great as my wife and I met a bunch of great guys for a swell weekend playing trucks . I think this hobby will pick up faster then trains ,as there is still a human touch to a truck (you can talk to a truck driver and he won't call the cops like a ail road will) I love building a model of a truck I see in town then showing to driver and seeing his reaction that is fun ! Merry Christmas to all Mike

jack van 12-21-2016 08:25 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
times change myself i like to do it and i have the money hehe but the time i spend doing this is relaxing to me .i have 1 truck so close to running and i have had it for a year atleast but i keep adding things to it lol i also got another truck in the box ready to build and 2 trailers in mid build 1 is dump trailer and other is screening plant

jack van 12-21-2016 08:26 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
at this pace i have years of fun ahead of me lol

Supermario 12-21-2016 09:08 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
yes the forum has changed over the last few years and things might seem to be dying down but it actually means things are growing and expanding.
The hobby is in a fractured state. With more interest new ways of reaching more people was inevitable. Facebook, Instagram....etc.
So the big group that was all gathered up in great forums like this one has now branched out into new forms of exposure.

I know, it sucks in a way. I miss the way things were 3-4 yrs ago on this site but also cool to see what is happening with the hobby in the big picture.

Also sad I find myself on a hobby leave of absence so to speak probably till spring:eek: it's hard to be going full throttle for 4 yrs and suddenly slam on the brakes and come to a complete stop as I have! :eek: short term pain for long term gain but don't make it any easier I tell ya.:(

No matter what, I'm a die hard RCTC fan and will always stay here and look forward to the new growth and builds I'm sure we will see here again in the future.:)

scottyk 12-21-2016 11:28 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I think less and less younger people are interested in building stuff like this. I graduated in 2002 and the trade classes were just starting to go away, now they're a rarity, just a sign of the times and where interest is..

But there will ALWAYS be people building stuff like this, and always be kids that are amazed by it, so there is hope! Keep on Keeping on. My nephew and my son love watching them work and I will teach them how to build stuff the best I can.

Cossett 12-22-2016 01:21 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I cant comment on the US side of things>
But this hobby is getting more expencive, kits have just gone up along with the aftermarket stuff, but the good thing is there are parts for pretty much all the rigs now where a few years back you had to make them your self,
As for forums like this and other they have slowed down partly due to FB, but this place FGD started will always be one of my homes ( I have it pinned to my lappy) and read it daily even though I dont always comment I still read everything and there are tones of usefull info and knologable people willing to help or pic there brains,
On the FB side there isnt the etiquet of forums where people start a new post everytime with new photos of updates instead of continuing there OP one and it just gets lost in the many daily / weekly posts>
Them there is the F/S posts where people dump there crap on the groups and charge stupid prices for sh@t>
And then theres the ones that spam the groups with the same posts and you think WTF,
And I its easier for vendors to advertise there products and not have to worry about using a photo hosting site to upload there products, just upload there photos straight to there page and within minuts there followers see whats new, or message people and get a answer straight away......
On forums there is quality stuff and most times you can find a build thread on that build so you know what your actually building.
Sorry for that rant.......

Cheers Tracy

gismow 12-22-2016 03:24 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?

in my opinion the reason for less actions here in the forum is how it is used. I'm a german speaker and each posting costs me a lot of time. Uploading pictures, writing texts, searching for the correct english words, etc. That's not the problem but if no response is coming or replies having one icons or 2-3 words in Facebook style, than I start to think about if my time I'm investing is good invested time.

It's the modern way of handling forums like the usage of Facebook. Just watching pictures, sonetimes a "like" and that's it.

The former reason of forums to discuss and to exchange information and knowledge seems to be forgotten by lots of the users.

I recognize this also in german forums.

I hope that this changes again in the future.

modelman 12-22-2016 11:41 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I am a lifetime member of a national boating organization that is having the same problem. they are frantically searching for ways to increase participation just like these forums. But-like it or not-the world has changed. Young people, and some of there parents, these days do not want to go outside and do anything. They have there computers, ipads, iphones, cellphones or whatever-texting and tweeting and facebooking or other reasons to sit on there butts and do nothing. I don't get it-I don,t understand it but it doesn't matter. that's the way it is and it's not gonna change. R/C model folks, either construction or boats or tanks or cars or whatever are very small groups but the dedicated ones will keep there hobby alive but it probably will never be big again. Welcome to the new world.

frizzen 12-22-2016 02:24 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I prefer using forums for information like this, but i'm not one of the people who lets facebook run their life.

I think the problem with the truck and construcion end of rc is that the bar to enter is too high for a lot to justify trying. For $100-200, I can get into a noob-grade rtr short course, stadium, monster, buggy, crawler... Our 'cheap' rolling truck kits are around $400, there really aren't any rtr. It's hard to get them hooked at that price, and it's not as flashy as the fast stuff.

There are a fair number of 1/14 - 1/16 cheapy cars out there, but there's not really much hobby hobby grade for them without scratch building. No trucks or common cars though, i don't want a world of only supercars and semis.

Plus we aren't really publicizing our meets that well, even to others already in the hobby.

pigeonfarmboy 12-22-2016 05:41 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
Money is tight and the RC Industry as a whole is in a very bad state. We're definitely going to feel that trend in this small niche part of the hobby. Sales are way down and people aren't spending their money on RC toys (and if they are, they are buying used or mega-cheap). Novak and Airtronics closed this year, if nothing changes there will be more to follow.

It's not all doom and gloom. Take Axialfest for example. That event gets some 700+ entries per year and keeps growing. There's people in attendance from all over the world. Just takes the right group of people to decide to support something they believe in.

I still love my trucks and equipment, I've just been building other rc things and putting my money into Pinball Machines and traveling around to play Pinball. I think everyone I know goes in cycles of interests.

Lil Giants 12-23-2016 04:55 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I've seen a lot of ppl come & go over the yrs... there's just a handful that date back as far I do when this community originated on Yahoo forums in 2001... Tamiya Cowboy, Stuff, Radio Control Trucker to name a few that come to mind.

I was thinking this Spring that I haven't seen Espeefan post in a long time, sent him a PM, which it was summer before he replied to say he'd been married now for a nearly a yr & they were expecting twins this October :eek: I freaking knew it! :D :lol:

Something that seems to be a bit of a pattern, any of the high talent builders of past that have graced this forum with their abilities & cranked out a lot of trks in a few short yrs, they usually burn out & move on to something else, never to be seen again. For many others, one build of trk & trl is enough, and then not having anyone nearby to run with... they're gone not long after too.


Originally Posted by gismow (Post 151247)
the reason for less actions here in the forum is how it is used, each posting costs a lot of time. Uploading pictures, writing texts, but if no response is coming or replies having one icons or 2-3 words in Facebook style, than I start to think about if my time I'm investing is good invested time.

I would agree that could be a biggie right there for the downturn in new build threads or recent updates to ongoing builds... as for myself, I see by the views with each post I make & I am content with that that ppl are interested in seeing what I am doing. ;)

This forum is presently self sufficient, the lil bit we charge Vendors to sell their wares on here & the one minor ad banner at the top pays the bill... I haven't a clue what costs are involved for data storage :thinking: ...other forums I've viewed that allow photos loaded directly are just plastered with ads with every page view & that sometimes (for me anyway with a 2 - 3mb/sec wireless connection) can be very timely to download, especially if any pages have video ads too. I sure don't want that to happen here. It's very rare I ever have trouble uploading to photobucket, maybe the difference is I use a laptop :thinking:

SmallHaul 12-23-2016 08:37 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I agree with the comments that in general the younger generation doesn't have that much interest in physical/mechanical toys or entertainment.

The majority of my customer base are retired people. I talk with all of them and they wish they had people to operate machines with but, they have no interest in posting on an internet forum and a lot of them only use computers for watching youtube videos which is how they find me.

Also, operating rc construction equipment is a calm & relaxing hobby that seems boring to many people. The guys that come over to my house to run equipment every weekend call it their "therapy session" for the week.

I also have a group of friends that race 1/32 scale slotcars and also have many rc cars and although they are amazed with the rc construction equipment they get bored with it in about 1 hour.

So, i don't think that the people who really enjoy the rc construction hobby have any interest in forums which is a shame because it is a good way to connect with people.

up9018 12-23-2016 08:44 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I am still floating around here. I check in daily to see what people are doing, and get information and inspiration.

I took the first and only build I have apart last winter for a repaint and some upgrades. Then as they say "It Happens" and the truck was put into about 3 boxes and has spent the last year on the shelf. I actually pulled it out a couple of days before this post started to go thru my inventory and hopefully get it back together.

I will probably be one of those people who are "One and Done" that Lil_Giants described, and for the reason he mentioned. There are a couple of people floating around here that have trucks, but there are no events to speak of. Indy is a 10 hour drive, and that is the closest thing that goes on for me. I will probably get it back together, build a trailer and just go back to taking it to the City Cemetery and drive it around over lunch hour.

I have noticed that a lot of the people I was going to get some parts from seem to be out of the game or just not advertising here. That is understandable, it is often said that when your hobby becomes a job it is no longer fun.


Blender 12-23-2016 12:12 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I hadn't really considered this hobby to have fully caught on in the US/Canada. Several small vendors and a couple bigger vendors, but mostly it feels underground. The high price is likely part of it. One truck will be lonely without something to load it with making it an all-or-nothing kind of deal.

I've been interested in it for a pretty long time, but still haven't completed a single vehicle. West coast mini truckers puts on several events within driving distance of me, but I just don't invest the time without having something finished to play with. I've made progress, but other things pull me away. Lately it has been my 1:1 off road toy which is also a money pit.

I've tried to jumpstart my own interest in the past by ordering a pile of new components, which does get me going only to fade out in a few weeks. Reading this forum and watching YouTube videos of the European events are probably the only things I do with regularity.

Mech_Eng 12-23-2016 09:19 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I agree with a lot of things said here:

The hobby has not taken off in the US yet: not only truth but it makes the hobby less attractive due to the wait time for parts not available in the US....my Carson 634 has been down for months, first it was hydraulic problems, now I'm waiting on new track motors...grrr

Expensive? Yes, very! Anytime you make precision parts in low volume, they will be expensive. Additionally, I do believe there is an incredible markup on some products, not all...

Facebook? I certainty can't acquire the information I can on this site on FB but it sure is a lot easier to post pics on FB. That is the only potential negative to this wonderful site.

Less people are technical these days: i could not have gotten to this hobby without experience building/wiring things in the past. My mechanical engineering degree does not hurt either :) the only reason I bring this up is the fact that so many rc enthusiasts are into plug n play drones these days. I say no thanks! I like the building parts myself!

I also understand people come and go, I've only been playing in 1/14th for a year or so. The cost of parts and wait time have definitely tested my interest in the hobby....

As for this site, I sure wish I could post photos from my mobile device without a hosting site, I would even be willing to donate to the cause to make it happen. Lastly, I want to thank the folks that take the time to post and make this site awesome!

rc_farmer 12-24-2016 12:57 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I'm still here, ain't planning on going anywhere. This hobby, as with any other venture is what one wants and make. Yes it's expensive, but i do think this hobby is starting to expand here in the US. I do hope that it continues to grow. i look forward to seeing all the new builds here and at the shows.

fvasileios 12-26-2016 12:12 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
Hi there,
I don't know if anyone else mentioned it but RCP57(post#6) totally covered me.i believe also that the difficulty of uploading pics in this forum is working as a brake for new members...(including me).
I have something like one free hour/day to post,read or search the web...and mostly using a smartphone.in rcgroups I can post a picture straight from my smartphone's camera collection.
Sorry to mention another forum but in a couple of months I'll receive new Volvo from verkerk and I'm waiting like crazy to make a build log in both forums.but I know that when it comes to photo uploading I'll give here the link of the other build log...

Money is another reason but I always believe that when you love something you 'll find a way to do it...

Kind regards to all truckers from Greece and wish you a happy new coming year...

I forgot to say thank you to all members,specially the older ones because this forum for me is like an encyclopedia for rc trucks...

Brian in PA 12-27-2016 05:49 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I'm still on here occasionally. Ill just check in once a week or so. I kinda got out of it for while. I spent the last 2 years working on a mustang project. the 2 years before that was spent building our new home and my garage for more future projects.:D I always have tended to get into a hobby/interest full bore for awhile them get out of it. I don't know why, maybe I just get bored with it.:rolleyes: I still have my green triaxle, I'll never get rid of it, as for the other trucks i sold them to help finance this Mustang project. Unfortunately i cant keep them all.:( Currently I'm looking to sell the Mustang, maybe, to finance my next endeavor.
This hobby is expensive, but what hobby isn't. when you look at the detail and functions of some these pieces its worth it. If you can't afford 5k on a truck or piece of equipment don't buy one. Buy what you can afford without breaking the bank. Also The more you can do on your own will also help the budget.

I have seen the hobby not grow as fast in the last few years as it did a while back. For a while it was really looking like we could compete with Germany with events and such.

I too have seen a lot of individuals come and go from the hobby. Some will be dearly missed and some not at all. I think it has to do a lot with priorities and just how life is going at the time whether or not your in or out of a hobby.

The one thing that I think would make the hobby more affordable is a US based company for hydraulics. When I was doing my builds the wait from Germany or wherever was also an issue for me. Who wants to wait?:D

Anyway I'm still here but not active as before. Who know my kids may want to build a truck and I'll be back into it.

liftmys10 01-07-2017 01:10 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I've been dreaming of buying RC construction equipment for along time. I finally bought 2 construction equipments recently mainly because the euro is almost par with the dollar. Its a great time for us to buy stuff from Europe. The problem is we are so spread out here. I don't know anyone else that has RC construction equipment in California.
And the other observation I noticed was that in Europe they are more interested in moving dirt (construction trucks, equipments, dump trucks etc.) While in US we are more into trailer trucks for long hauling? Europe now has 3 indoor locations dedicated for RC construction equipments.

Claus 01-08-2017 09:34 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?

Originally Posted by Brian in PA (Post 151424)
I'm still on here occasionally. Ill just check in once a week or so. I kinda got out of it for while. I spent the last 2 years working on a mustang project. the 2 years before that was spent building our new home and my garage for more future projects.:D I always have tended to get into a hobby/interest full bore for awhile them get out of it. I don't know why, maybe I just get bored with it.:rolleyes: I still have my green triaxle, I'll never get rid of it, as for the other trucks i sold them to help finance this Mustang project. Unfortunately i cant keep them all.:( Currently I'm looking to sell the Mustang, maybe, to finance my next endeavor.
This hobby is expensive, but what hobby isn't. when you look at the detail and functions of some these pieces its worth it. If you can't afford 5k on a truck or piece of equipment don't buy one. Buy what you can afford without breaking the bank. Also The more you can do on your own will also help the budget.

I have seen the hobby not grow as fast in the last few years as it did a while back. For a while it was really looking like we could compete with Germany with events and such.

I too have seen a lot of individuals come and go from the hobby. Some will be dearly missed and some not at all. I think it has to do a lot with priorities and just how life is going at the time whether or not your in or out of a hobby.

The one thing that I think would make the hobby more affordable is a US based company for hydraulics. When I was doing my builds the wait from Germany or wherever was also an issue for me. Who wants to wait?:D

Anyway I'm still here but not active as before. Who know my kids may want to build a truck and I'll be back into it.

I truly miss the days when you would post builds on here along with Stylin N Proflyin, Tamiya Cowboy, SneakyPete, MackDaddy and ALL the others (I know some of these guy still do but it's not like back when it was everyday!). This forum was more fun back then but I understand things change and you are right, what isn't expensive. I hope your boys drag you back in.

Izzy 01-08-2017 06:32 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
Still here, just took a hiatus. Wanted to wrenchbon dads old jeep and this was a good year for it.

As for the us vs Europe - population density. The shear distance between like minded people.
Another thing is cultural, Europeans IMO have a heratige of investing for the long term. Like buying a car that lasts a lifetime. Whereas here in the US we change cars every 3 years because we just want. Therefore we don't save and afford expensive things.

I was told, in some countries autos are shared amongst several families like time share.

TheBennyB 01-08-2017 09:36 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
i'm new to r/c construction but been messing with r/c for 30+. From what I've seen this hobby just has a hard growth rate due to price and "fun now" factor. Whenever I watch vids from EU or where ever it's still older guys, not many kids operating. Sure, part of it is the cost of the machines and also just how kids aren't that interested in machinery/mechanics as we were growing up. I'm seeing this in all aspects of r/c though, not just trucks/construction. Only exception is drones. Any 8yr old can fly a $50-$2,000 quad now with how the electronics have come. Once they have to read or learn something about it though, they are on their device. I'm also guessing if your not already in this hobby as a 40+ year old person, either the price or learning curve (time invested, not metal) just isn't gonna cut it unless your already a heavy equipment or r/c junkie.

Tommy R 01-08-2017 09:45 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I sure hope this aspect of the RC hobby isn't dying as I just ordered my first semi after years and years of wanting one! Sadly, it looks like I may be the only one with a semi in central Texas that I'm aware of. I haven't seen much activity for trucks/construction stuff. Racing, crawling, and drifting, however, are all doing pretty well!

If anyone is in the Austin/Houston/San Antonio/DFW areas, please hit me up! :)

kwalker 01-09-2017 05:44 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I am new to this site, and I have a lot of interest in these rc models! The only rc I own right now is a traxxas summit, but I plan on someday having a custom peterbilt like the ones on here! Money is the only problem right now haha. I enjoy seeing all of these builds!

Claus 01-10-2017 07:32 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?

Originally Posted by kwalker (Post 151925)
I am new to this site, and I have a lot of interest in these rc models! The only rc I own right now is a traxxas summit, but I plan on someday having a custom peterbilt like the ones on here! Money is the only problem right now haha. I enjoy seeing all of these builds!

Welcome aboard Klayton, this is exactly what this website needs.

kwalker 01-10-2017 09:29 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
Thanks Criag, its amazing what talent people have on here! I really enjoyed seeing all the stuff that rc farmer has built!

Izzy 01-10-2017 10:26 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
Tommy R - you might be closer to the root issue about our hobby than you think.
When I ordered my first truck, the local shop guy gave me a funny look and said what's this?. Once it came in he said after 25 yes in the hobby and running a shop for most of them he didn't know of these trucks. Said he wouldn't be of much help with them as well.
I did take my truck back over to show it to him, but he had no interest so I didn't go any further.
He has no idea about all the construction stuff and neither does any of the other guys.
I guess a father or uncle could take interest in our stuff, while the kids are wrapped up in going fast.

frizzen 01-10-2017 08:35 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I've never seen a semi or construction vehicle, or even kit / accessory in a hobby shop. I only learned about them on a scale rock crawler site, and an old RC book i bought had a build on a tamiya semi.

There's NO exposure unless you're already into rc and looking to branch out. A couple of the 'big' rc channels on youtube have built one, but otherwise unless they know where to look, nobody really knows you're here.

There are the big shows around the country, that get couple thousand visitors. Which don't usually get much advertising to people who didn't already know it was there...

i'm in Indy, been into hobby rc since 2003. I first heard about there even being an indy show sometime at the 'adams mark near the airport' back around maybe 08, and finally made it to one in 16 because nobody shares info or tries to hype it up. Other than here, trying to even find a name for the show to search for was like pulling teeth.

RCP57 01-10-2017 10:57 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
Local shops are not interested here either. The biggest shop finally has a truck and trailer built but it's all stock and they just used it in a parade and parked it. As far as I know, they have no plans to get involved beyond that. They don't want to stock any kits. I even approached them about putting a truck in their store on commission but no dice. They say there is no market but if people don't know the stuff exists then they can't try to get involved.lol

huber1918 01-18-2017 12:44 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
I just purchased my first Semi Kit. I have been wanting one ever since I was little. I am most likely one of the youngs members here.

Locally there is very little support for this part of the RC hobby. They are big into the scalers but thats about it.. I went to the Twin Cities a few months back and stopped at their hobby store. Much to my suprise they had a number of semi kits and trailers in stock.

As people have said before, I think the big hold back is the costs and the availablity of parts. This is not a cheap hobby, you could easily spent 1,100 + on the tractor alone if you wanted. I am a little suprised that there are not as many companies into this besides Tamiya.

Lil Giants 01-18-2017 02:40 PM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?

Originally Posted by huber1918 (Post 152243)
I am a little surprised that there are not as many companies into this besides Tamiya.

High production costs vs low volume sales in a very niche market.

I would say there's lots of choice products out there today, though much of it would come from overseas. The rc heavy commercial hobby has ballooned 1000 fold from just 5yrs ago... and 5yrs before that there was just about nothing for aftermarket.

Radio Control Trucker 01-27-2017 05:13 AM

Re: Is this hobby dying in the US?
R/C Trucking is NOT dying in the U.S.! In the past 20 years, it has hardly even been noticed by the mainline hobby industry. With every show that I attend people are always asking about the trucks and proclaiming how they have never seen them before.

In the March/April edition of Road King Magazine, the West Coast Mini Truckers is going to have a 5 page article. It will mention the East Coast Mini Truckers, Central Plains Mini Truckers and the Deep South Mini Truckers, as well as www.rctrucksandconstruction.com. We have hope that it should renew interest in our hobby and bring new prospects as well.

Although the prices seem high, it is a recreational hobby that can be embraced by the young & old alike. You can choose to save up and make one big purchase or make several smaller purchases to build as you acquire parts.

It will bring opportunities for your children to learn how to work with their hands and give them a sense of accomplishment when they finish a build. Then they can drive it in your backyard, at a local park or in a safe corner of a parking lot.

For adults and the disabled, it gives you a project to work on in your spare time. When finished you have a beautiful display piece for your home and an operational unit to show off with friends and at planned recreational events.

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