Thread: just wondering
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Old 01-20-2014, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: just wondering

Originally Posted by cosworth34677 View Post
im not saying to make them cheap. the think is that if a big company like say tamiya made one they can bring the price waaay down because they make them in bulk. i know at my shop we make one sign with our cnc router it cost more then 100 of the same thing by unit.

also i've converted and made a few and i know the price it takes. ok i will give you 1000 dollars, but the 5000 dolor price tag is kind of crazy when you bring it back to real life and think it's a toy truck! and i'm right now looking at a 2003 mazda protege5 online that is 4,500 dollars out the door's .
the think i was saying is that even if you just made a rolling chassie like they do in the "fast" r/c world like touring cars and buggy's they can bring it down. i know and you know
that folks will buld them how they want put there own stuff in them. i've been into r/c models since i was like 8 and this thing about a "nice" r/c truck and tractor just seems funny that they cost so much. even with all the detail and movements, when can go buy a full race touring car with a good radio and motor ,esc and charger and a few other hardware for about a grand . it seem little over priced. i may be wrong but a tamiya TRAILER should not cost more the truck that pulls it! its a trailer see what i mean ?
Am I being too grumpy to ask people to use spell check and check grammar before posting occasionally? I had to stop reading after the second "sentence" I don't mean this as disrespect just constructive criticism. I find it impossible to decipher a post like this.

Nobody is holding you at gun point to buy any kit on the market. A good percentage of hobbyists can't afford kits like this. Good thing you don't like RC Jets. Construction stuff is dirt-cheap in comparison to the Turbine world.
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