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Old 02-25-2014, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: Which hyd excavator pump/setup for a newbie

Originally Posted by Mike205 View Post
Thanks guys for the benefit of your experience and advice.

I suppose if I were being sensible i think I should start with a Bruder cat 320 as it would mean starting with the more reasonably priced hyd set-up and base model and also it being easier to source the metal upgrade parts and would be a fairly quick build and then I could see just how much I will like hydraulic models.

On the flip side however, and there just always has to be one, if I were to build a model slightly bigger than the bruder to accommodate some Premacon hydraulics, I would be avoiding the need to source another whole set of expensive hydraulics if I feel the urge to build a bit bigger. However myself not being a skilled craftsmen such as some of you guys clearly are, I would find it harder/longer and more expensive to build or source quality metal parts.

At the moment I only feel the need to have a desktop type environment for my models as that is the way I like to view them at work as opposed to looking down over them. So I really shouldn't need a big machine, however the bigger the machine the better as they look more realistic, and nicer I think to see working.

One day I will have it in my mind to buy Leimbachs Bruder cat complete conversion kit in which the brushed motor takes it to around 10 bar for around €930 if I wanted more > 16 bar I would have to invest another €200 on top of that .

The next day i'm thinking Premacons individual bits with a brushless motor as standard and upto 45 bar or so potential.

With regards to the Magom hrc kit, the only thing that puts me off their kit is the sound of their pump or motor, don't know which part is making quite a loud noise, judging from what I have seen on YouTube.
I personally don't mind paying double or more for a quieter setup, but that's just my opinion.

Thanks again guys.
i think its the motor and what you put it in, i use there pump in my dump truck
tipper trailer and excavator. and the two dumpers are not to loud they are no louder then the truck pulling/ or driving them. but the excavator!!! that thing is pretty loud. so i think its all the plastic that acts like a drum
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