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Old 10-09-2014, 10:15 PM
SuperDutyScaler SuperDutyScaler is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: South Jersey
Posts: 219
SuperDutyScaler is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Who owns the road?

BRICKNICK is right especially here in NJ, just because a law says joggers, bikers, walkers etc have the right of way is no reason for you to be in the middle of a lane with your bike or jogging with headphones and you expect people to swerve into oncoming traffic because you wont walk or jog on the sidewalk that two feet away. Just this week a group of cyclist were together on one got clipped by a mirror from a Ford Super Duty (tow mirrors) vehicle driver stated he rounded a blind curve (road is 50mph) and there are five guys on bikes right in the middle of HIS lane and he hit his brakes tried to move over but other vehicles were coming at him so he hit one guy in the back with his passenger mirror. Now I have a F350 with tow mirrors and the fold back very easily so hitting this guy (which didnt make him fall off his bike) should just be a big mistake. But after hearing what the cyclist guy was saying about his back blah blah im sure he will have a lawyer try and sue the guy driving the truck
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