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Old 12-23-2014, 07:23 AM
Rimrock Rimrock is offline
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Default Re: Eagle machinery dozer

Originally Posted by Rimrock View Post
I would say that the Eagle products, so far, has proven to best suited for advanced modellers, who can, and enjoy, spending many hours repairing and modifying. We don't know so much about the new dozer yet, but it will maybe be prized at 3-4000USD, and it will probably have a fine and detailed exterior, as their loader. Problem is; you don't see what's inside and how durable it is...until the product has been released and review threads from the first buyer starts popping up at forums like this.
When you are new to this kind of equipment, and if you are not very in to mechanical DIY projects, it's better to not be among the buyers of the first generation of new equipment from this supplier. Better wait a while and read some reviews first...I would much rather first look at the Izzy dozer (if he starts producing more of them). Next, if one got the money, check out the German Fumotec new Komatsu dozer that is about to be released in near furture (we are talking about a quite different philosophy to the durability issue here...but also a quite different price level naturally
I know my advice here on this thread will not do much difference in the big perspective naturally...A new cheap spec product will be released, beautiful pictures and big words about the performance and durability..; people will rush to buy it online, unseen and untested, blindly right into the 'Chinese machinery first generation prototype product trap'...On the other hand, SOMEONE needs to be the buyers of the 1'st generation products, in order for the rest of us to see all the issues and sit on the fence until the biggest issues are solved.. When this is said, I also want to say that it is great that new producers like Eagle comes on the marked with fine looking new models, to lower prices than the German machines. It's all good, I welcome more suppliers and models to our hobby. BUT people should know that advanced hydraulic machinery in the 3000 USD generally is in the cheap segment of the marked, even though 3000 USD itself is a lot of cash for a 'toy', and one should not expect them to perform, and be as durable, right 'out of the box' as the 8-10000 USD German machines, as of 2014. But with some modifications and fiddling around (as many of us in this hobby enjoys), yes, it's possible to make a cheap model perform good putting some effort and hours into it.
Merry Christmas everyone

Last edited by Rimrock; 12-23-2014 at 07:39 AM.
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