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Old 07-18-2015, 07:54 PM
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Rakthi Rakthi is offline
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Hi Al, lots of wires, but actually compared to the "before Kingbus" era, it's not that bad ... Before you would have all the wires from the individual LEDs and miniature lamps. Just imagine having another 20+ wires ... Seen some pictures on the German forums that give me nightmares.

Wasn't going to post until I got a working or partially working project, but would be too many pictures - already have to split this up. So here goes - a dry run on how to install this stuff.

Part 1

Before you can mess with the wiring, you need to build the box that will hold all the various bits - this in itself another marvel of engineering. (I must sound like an advert for them, but you really have to handle this stuff to appreciate the meticulous attention details)

Later in the game I found that the long screw on the right in the picture should be about 1/2mm more to the right. These screws will hold the board which all the connectors for the power.

Next the wire that connects the cab electrics (a detailed color code is provided)

An approximation on how to install it all according to the manual. (The manual provides alternatives for those people who don't use ScaleART stuff)

Lid goes on top

Battery in place

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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