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Old 10-21-2015, 11:34 PM
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Big Dawg On The Bone
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Default Re: Half-round Dump Box

Originally Posted by Bo Wallen View Post
Keep it steady Reg and keep it fun thats the good way to make success.
And thanks for a fun day yesterday, Can't behave some days.
Yes I hope so. I can't say that everyday or project is fun but for the most part I enjoy building stuff for other people. Most guys have given me a general direction to look and let me take it from there and that's pretty cool! I appreciate them having that confidence in me and trusting my judgment. There have been plenty of sleepless nights wondering how in the h3ll I'm going to make something look and function correctly or worrying if the customer will like what they've paid for but that's also part of the excitement I guess. When you achieve those things it makes it all worth while. This has given me the opportunity to build things that I would never build for myself all while making a little bit of money. Of course I want to become more successful at this but I also want to keep it a "fun thing" first and foremost. One of the best parts about this is I get to make other people's visions come to life. How cool is that? Oh, and my commute to work each day isn't too bad either....

Yesterday was hilarious! It's nice to see that we can all have some light hearted fun with one another without it turning nasty and stupid. If you can't laugh at yourself then you're in trouble. Next time someone else is wearing the yoga pants though.
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