Thread: Fat "n" Flat
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Old 05-06-2016, 10:03 PM
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RCP57 RCP57 is offline
Big Dawg On The Bone
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Vancouver Island
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Default Re: Fat "n" Flat

It's been slow in my shop for the last week so I have been poking at this to keep myself occupied. A while back Mario was kind enough to send me his old cab that had been painted and stripped too many times for his shiny black KW. I was happy to get a cab and didn't really care that it wasn't perfect.(Thanks Buddy)

I made up panels for the roof and rear cab wall out of aluminum and mixed up some Bondo so that I could do some body work. I cleaned up the cab a bit more with a razor blade and filled the clearance light holes before priming and painting it. The primer went on great and so did the first coat of red. Everything went south when I applied the second coat starting with a brand new can of red. I've had problems with this before when I've started a new can part way through causing my beautiful(for me) paint job to turn into a 90 year old's scrotum right before my eyes. Anyway, I left the cab for three days and did a little sanding before applying another coat. Even after that long the paint still reacted in a few spots but I just settled for it being good enough. This cab has been exfoliated more times than a Kardashian so it will do until I win the lotto and buy a new cab. I quickly made up a little visor for it, installed a bunch of new/used chrome I got from Brandon and then tore the whole thing down to paint the chassis. I wanted to have all of it powder coated but decided that I would rather polish off a $6 rattle can of BBQ black paint than spend the money on doing it This truck is not a show stopper and it has a likelihood of ending up shiny side down at 30mph so no need to spend too much time or money.

Enough talking, here she is!

It's so bright out today that it photographed pink outside.

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