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Old 06-09-2016, 10:47 PM
Cat966c Cat966c is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 205
Cat966c is on a distinguished road
Default Final checklist?

So I'm about to order the engine and valve for my loader, so I thought I'd use this thread as a sounding board to make sure everything is in order before i…uh…order…………………ummmmmmmmm…
ANYWAY-- So I'll need:
1xmagom valve
1x12v battery(still have questions)
1x esc (still have questions)
If I have a pump then 2x esc's (a cheap one for the pump motor?)
1x motor (still have questions here) 2x if I go hydraulic
1x servo (still have questions) 3x if I don't go hydraulic
Transmitter and receiver (don't know yet what to get)

So…here's the questions:

The motor
1. What motor to get?? I think I've narrowed it down to at least a few. The higher the number of turns the motor has, the more torque it has? So I guess aim for like a 35-65t motor? Or do I go with a geared motor? And how do I know which one to get? I like this one, but I heard it would be maybe too powerful?
2. What's the deal with voltage? I mean how do I know what type battery to match to the motor? What's the best fit for, for instance, the motor above?
3. The esc. How do I match up the power of the motor and battery with it to decide which to get? Like if I have a 12v battery, what esc? Or if I have a 55t motor, which do I get?
4. Dual shaft motors. What is the deal with dual shaft motors? How do I find them? If I can modify an regular shaft motor, how do I do that?

As always, apologies dumping this all on you all and thanks! (:
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