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Old 08-20-2016, 07:40 AM
Jack3M Jack3M is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Washougal WA
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Default Re: Electrical question

Well, if like most tracked vehicles, each side should be on different channel if using two different motors for a few reasons. Motors will need to run in opposite directions. Pirouette requires one going one way and the other going the other. Not sure what your setup is.

Using a separate power for Rx is possible, but these ESC's are pretty good about powering Rx. You can use separate smaller battery for Rx. In airplanes for competition that is required, but on the ground, not an issue if the breaker in the ESC cuts out like an airplane or worse a helicopter having a cut out.

On an excavator you use up several channels for the hydraulics, consider if you have sliders on either side of the radio as the means of running the tracks as most of your operation will be not driving around but digging.
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