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Old 01-26-2017, 12:40 AM
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Tommy R Tommy R is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Austin, TX, USA
Posts: 200
Tommy R is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Peterbilt 6x6 Medium Hauler

Since the fenders are on the way, I decided that I may as well start on the one thing that I've been dreading......bodywork. I'm okay with styrene, but it's been awhile since I've done any detail work with the stuff. And in an effort to make it as easy as possible to replace the hood sides I wanted nice, square cuts and edges. Eventually, I decided to just jump on in and make it happen.

I decided to remove the fenders first to make it easier to cut by the cowl area. First I outlined the cut areas with a thin Sharpie marker. Then I used string to cut through the fenders and removed them.

Next I measured the styrene of the body to be .060" (1.5mm) thick so I used my calipers and scribed a line at the .060" mark. Applying black ink beforehand made it easier to see. Then I used the string method to cut along the line as carefully as I could. Came out rather clean! That's encouraging!

Now with the fenders removed I was able to use my razor saw to get nice, straight lines along the cowl and the horizontal line near the top of the hood. Using a combination of sawing with the saw and scoring with the Xacto blade, I was eventually able to cut the sides out. Honestly, it went quite a bit smoother than I expected.

They look nice and square to me! Mocking up an uncut piece of styrene confirmed my suspicion: nice and square. Good stuff!

An update on other components....

The front wheels and all the tires should arrive to the States any day now. The posts to raise the motor/trans will be here Saturday along with a bunch of hardware in my goal to replace as much Philips head hardware as possible! And I was able to cancel my order for the 3:1 reduction unit. Sweet!

I've got to pack for a camping/offroading trip this weekend so time is tight, but if I get some time I may try to bond the new, uncut hood sides to the KH. It still has a long way to go, but progress is progress!
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