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Old 02-27-2017, 08:57 AM
NebraskaTrevor NebraskaTrevor is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 22
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Default Re: Bruder 320 conversion with 3d printed parts

Thanks for the compliments. The cylinders are simple in theory but I am finding that having the gland end seal without leaks is easier said than done. I made 4 cylinders. 2 are great while the other 2 leak so my design of using o rings as a seal may not prove to be workable in the end. No casting is involved, all lathe work. the barrels are just 1/2" copper pipe which happens to already pretty much have a mirror finish inside (I assume from the drawing process) and the end caps are machined from brass stock. the internals of the cylinders consist of aluminum pistons with steel shafts. No drawings, but if you look on the MagomHRC website you will see that they have very good exploded drawings. Honestly for about 50 bucks a cylinder it is probably best to just buy the cylinders from them, but where is the fun in that!
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