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Old 03-25-2017, 10:58 AM
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Big Dawg On The Bone
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Default Re: Hayes HD Dump Truck - Take II

I've had this one on the bench over the last few days as I try to get a little progress made on several different projects. A few weekends ago I spent a day and a half making a scissor lift for the bed using a P16 actuator. It worked OK up to about 8# but struggled to do more so I tossed it aside. I have been trying to avoid using a screwdrive in this thing but I finally gave in and went with what I know. Unlike any other I've built over the last 3+ years, this one is in the truck chassis. It has roughly 18# of lead acid batteries in the back and dumps it with ease. I wanted to keep the dummy lift cylinders and prop rod as symmetrical as possible when the bed was up in an effort to draw less attention to the prop rod itself. Some careful "eyeball" measuring of the prop rod length took care of The truck will be yellow so I'll have to decide what color looks the least noticeable on the prop rod(yellow or black). I'm happy to have this step done as it was the last major hurdle to get over. I will wire up and mount some limit switches, then I can get on with the final details and have this ready for paint when the weather warms up!

Dump test video...

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