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Old 12-20-2017, 07:23 PM
Zabco Zabco is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Ohio
Posts: 235
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Default Re: W900 Studio Sleeper Project

I use Alclad II lacquers fairly frequently. They work well if you take your time and really prep the surface. Sand through at least 2000 grit, even finer if you can. Make sure surface is clean. Use the Alclad gloss black base for a chrome finish. I've been told you can use any gloss black but have always had the best finish using the Alclad. Very important to follow air pressure setting instructions on bottle for your airbrush. Mix paint in bottle very thoroughly before using. I use a battery powered mixer. Don't wait before spraying as the metal particles in the paint will start to settle out quickly. Very light, almost dusting coats. The Alclad will dry almost instantly but wait about 20 to 30 seconds between each coat and then gently buff with very soft cloth or tissue before applying the next coat. I usually wait about 24 hours between base coat and finish chrome coats. Alclad also now has a material called Aqua Gloss Clear ALC600 that can be used as a protective overcoat. It is, in my opinion, better than the modler's old standby; Future Floor Finish. Also you will want to use the Alclad airbrush cleaner. I use this on my airbrushes even if I've only been spraying acrylics, best cleaner I know of.
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