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Old 01-25-2019, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: LilGiantsConstrCo

Originally Posted by Lil Giants View Post motors with planetaries, these particular ones are 940D with 100:1 reduction. Fumotec supplies all his trk models with these motors or his custom made mini brushless motors. I prefer the brushed motors b/c you can put as many motors as you like on one esc; the brushless needs 1 esc per motor & then tuning them all to work together, brushed motors travel faster & have better braking too. I use a 2x25 Sabertooth in the 4206 with mix in esc off but mixed within radio programming. I like to drive with my right thumb, so the tractor is on elevator ch, trl is on throttle ch... tight turns, pull back on throttle so trl doesn't push the tractor sideways; steep hills more throttle so the tractor doesn't spin.

Indeed frizzen, some days I get a lot of exercise playing with my toys

Lowboy works awesome... need more practice side loading, a little scary the first time. I added 1/2 inch steel angle on the edges so equipment can't slide off in transport, they're bolted on, take them off in the future to load/unload.
Hi, thanks for the info for the motors from a couple of weeks back. I just ordered some from I ordered them as a back up for my B50. I am always impressed with the power and reliability of these motors. I bought them as a backup to have on hand if I ever have one fail. But the current motors have been solid for many years.
I agree with your reasoning on the brushed over the brushless for the drive motors. Several years ago when I built my B50 no one was using Brushless motors on machines like these for the drive, so that was my only choice. I am glad that is how it was.
As commented you the youtube video, love the lowboy by the way....
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