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Old 05-17-2019, 08:24 PM
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Wombii Wombii is offline
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Default Re: Frsky Q X7 trickery: Using trim tabs as momentary switches

Sticky toggle switch when flicking elevator stick up:
- Logical switch L5: a>x | elevator input | 60
- Logical switch L6: Stky | L5 | L5
- Special function: L6 | Overr.CHx | 100

Momentary switch when holding elevator stick down:
- Logical switch L7: a<x | Elevator input | -60
- Special function: L7 | Overr.CHx | -100

Combined to toggle on or off high beams when flicking elevator stick up and flash high beams (optical horn)when holding elevator down, channel 6:
- Input 6 elevator stick
- Clear mix 6
- Logical switch L5: a>x | elevator input | 60
- Logical switch L6: Stky | L5 | L5
- Special function: L6 | Overr.CHx | 100
- Logical switch L7: a<x | Elevator input | -60
- Special function: L7 | Overr.CHx | 100
- Subtrim channel 6 to -100 if necessary.

^ This doesn't work if you want to use flight modes to change the assignments of the sticks. I just realized I could use logical switches in mixes, so this should work:
- Input 6 elevator stick
- Logical switch L5: a>x | elevator input | 60
- Logical switch L6: Stky | L5 | L5
- Logical switch L7: a<x | Elevator input | -60
- Mix 6: L6 as source.
- Mix 6: Copy and paste the first line and add L7 as source and select "Multiply" as mix type. This should output a multiply mix of the states of L6 and L7 logical switches.

Last edited by Wombii; 05-18-2019 at 07:33 PM.
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