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Old 02-02-2020, 06:03 PM
crueby crueby is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 85
crueby is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Cat 340D Excavator build

Thanks Rob - the Marion build was in a whole different league than this one, everything was scratch built on the Marion, thousands of parts, this one I am using off-the-shelf parts wherever possible and am not being as minutely fussy with pure scale details. The tracks/sprockets will (initially at least) be RC tank parts, which will save a ton of machining time - can always replace them later with home-made ones. This build will likely be in months rather than years, at least to get it to the point of doing some playing with it. The detailing/refining stage can go a lot longer, but the initial shell and working mechanisms wont be as long (retirement helps timelines a lot!) as the other build, modern sheet metal designs vs older forgings/castings styles helps a lot. This build is sharing time with a 1/4 scale Stanley steam car engine build, so it will go in bursts - right now waiting on some taps/dies on the engine so am working more on the excavator.
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