Thanks all for the good words!
The gyro boards are sold as both GY-521 and MPU-6050, Amazon, Fleabay, Aliexpress would all have 'em. From that you can Google the code, easy enough, or in a pinch I can dig up mine and post the relevant sections.
Wrt the stupidly wide sliders, ddmckee, your idea sounds eminently sensible. I'll admit I started this build like a year ago and so my memory is a bit fuzzy ... I might have had a good reason to do it the backwards way I did, or I might not
Maybe I couldn't get enough reach with the hardware I had to grab both the large and small conexes, or maybe when I tested it there wasn't enough strength in the center and they drooped. Or maybe I just didn't think of it (slaps forehead.) I'll see if I kept notes about it, which I do sometimes, and look at the earlier CAD work. Otherwise that might a great way to reduce the size of that head.
-- A