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Old 08-30-2022, 11:54 AM
jerry56 jerry56 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: WV Panhandle
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jerry56 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Toprace211/Huina 1550 upgrade

OK, here are some close-ups of the boom servos

I painted them a satin black hoping they would kind of visually disappear against the white boom....

The metal tracks look pretty good, now we'll see how the printed wheels hold up

So I finally took it outside for a test run....As you can see it's red clay but even at only 9lbs I was able to break thru it and get a full bucket of dirt...I think this will do everything I need or want it to do...

Here it is next to my other equipment, to my eye it sizes up pretty well, the 320 isn't a huge excavator so I think it looks ok with everything else

Over all I'm pretty happy with it... I know it has limitations it's mostly plastic but I didn't spend $500 plus another $200 for upgrades to a Huina 1580 and it's a far cry from the $1500 and up for hydraulic machines.
This is a fun hobby but it doesn't have to be mind blowing expensive... I probably have around $350 in this toy now....I enjoy building them and playing with them with in their limitations....I hope others will see you don't have to spend a fortune to play in the hobby....Time for another project.... I got some ideas....
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