Thread: VW Van 1/16
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Old 12-14-2023, 01:47 PM
ddmckee54 ddmckee54 is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 230
ddmckee54 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: VW Van 1/16

Oh man.... I gotta get me one of them.

That's what the first car I ever owned would have looked like when it was new. Not when I got it mind you, but when it was new. I got mine for $50 in 1974 - when I was 19. Been many times over the years that I wished I still had that thing, would have been worth a nice pile of change by now.

Paint it blue, add some lacing from the front of the doors to the front of the cooling louvers, then throw on a set of Buick factory mags, fiberglass cooling scoops, and a Beetle Boom-tube... You've got my bus. It was the 70's, what can I say? Got into my share of trouble in that bus. Not from the cops though, only time you could get over 55mph in that thing was downhill with a STRONG tailwind.

Yup... gonna get myself a Christmas present, and relive my misspent youth?

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