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Old 02-20-2012, 09:39 PM
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Lil Giants Lil Giants is offline
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Default Re: Hauling Dirt out of my basement (present day)

Tom, I don't have heat that blows directly into the basement, but being below ground level and with the diesel fueled furnance (it's right behind me where I'm digging right now), the chimney & duct work throughout give off a bit of heat to keep it maybe +15C (not quite room temp). The video I posted a month ago or so, I was wearing a lined coat b/c it was -25C outside most of that week, which made it a bit chilly down there.

Construction, the scale is 1/14th.

Neil, I shot some video last night where I nearly fell off the wall with the 850 so close to the edge, I got lost in the controls with the tracks (takes 3 switches on this DX8 to make them work), had to quickly set the tx down and grabbed the model.. a week off from running the 850 and I loose my touch.

Thank you again for the well wishes fellows.. no worries of it going to my head, I'm looking forward to getting back to my ordinary life of enjoying my hobby with you all.

I did manage to fix my cyl Monday night, although it didn't hold... I prepped the surface, cleaned with laquer thinner to get the surface oil free, used flux paste, solder for copper plumbing (Frank's recommendation for best stuff) and a good sized butane torch... the soldered just balled up & fell off. I tried the electrical solder I normally use for wiring, same problem.

I then switched to using my soldering iron and cranked the temperature to high. That worked, although kinda messy, the solder still didn't flow/liquify into the joint. The solder kinda stuck on like smearing dried up play-do.

Why did the solder ball up with the torch? Too hot, not hot enough?

After connecting cyl to model again & pressuring up, there was a slight bit of an oil film seeping.. and then it quit.

After 3 batt packs yesterday & today, it let go again and now the cyl is back on my workbench for round two.

(I really hate doing things twice! which is why I suck at scratchbuilding & buy somebody else's work)
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