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Old 10-19-2012, 02:25 PM
JensR JensR is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Bath, UK
Posts: 176
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Default Re: CAT Grader in 1:14 with M-Series controls

Wow, cannot believe it's been another year!

In the meantime I have done a lot of things and still need to do some more.
Given it's my first project of this size, I don't mind, but I really want to get it done - but not rush it too much, either.

I have painted the machine and as it's my design, I decided to go with my "corporate" colours
I made a larger mouldboard and did a better, more dirt-resistant mouldboard side-shift, including a rubber skirting to prevent dirt to fall onto the .
The front blade was increased in size, the ripper servo-saver stiffened up.
The floating mechanism for the circle lift was improved - less drain on the servos, better clamping force.
Circle sideshift was converted from servo to M6 threaded spindle.
Articulation is controlled by a sail servo now, allowing comfortable steering modes.
Improving the saddle rotation is my biggest worry currently. The sail servo does not cooperate with my "hydraulic module" (makes servo speed proportional to stick position, as opposed to servo position proportional to stick position). I know the real machines do not have an active drive on it. Rather they use the main cylinders to force the saddle to rotate. I might have to do that, or will have to look into other alternatives.
I also put a lot of weight into the machine, now at 9.6kg and therefore still slightly lighter than a 16M would be in 1:14.5, but it has helped with traction a lot, especially as the machine is 6x6 (which the 16M doesn't offer ).
The circle drive was improved by having a proper worm&wheel and not mis-using a worm on a regular gear.
I also managed to improve the geometry/kinematics of the whole thing so that I can lift the mouldboard a bit higher.
And lastly, I installed some lights

Here's the collection of images going to through the building stages

and here are a few selected ones showing the "recent" stage:


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