Thread: WT*
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:35 PM
WhiteWolf McBride WhiteWolf McBride is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 209
WhiteWolf McBride is on a distinguished road
Smile Re: WT*

Thanks for the smile guys...

That sh*t-he*d nephew of mine had one from work, and was always breaking it, or it would reset and lose his directory. I'd tell him to change providers, and make backups, and suddenly he's singing its praises. (*never was too bright*)

Me, I bought a Samsung r351 Link ($70) to replace my brick so I could text w/o hitting keys multiple times, and I'm ~still~ using it 4 years later. Heck, think I'm grandfathered into's system. I bought a no-name clearcase at Radio Shack (now TheSource) and its saved my phone MANY times, case will pop apart, softening the blow to the phone. And its ~still~ on the original battery too - trick is to put it on charge the moment you loose that first bar for the battery.

I keep it mainly for emergencies, or calls when I'm out & about, so medics, parents, and such can get hold of me, but not much more. No Google, eBay, road directions, etc. It also means I don't havta 'rent' a phone in hospital ($40 plus for a week? Stuff that!)

As for Crackberries, NEVAH! I put the RiM 'sync' s/w on my computer, and it was like a bloody virus. Took me a week to get it all back off. And sorry guys, I HATE Apple too, so no i-Crap, not even to run one of the Drones.

I can get by with a ~semi~intelligent phone, thank the maker. Camera isn't bad, MP3 is tolerable (my 5y/o Sony Walkman needs a booster-battery, but otherwise runs fine) and the longer it lasts, the more $ I'm not tossing for a new one. Glitz? Thats for the nephew (and he PAYS for it)

- in lightly-faded black denims, no-name hightops, and a Walfart dress shirt
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