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Old 02-06-2013, 01:25 AM
WhiteWolf McBride WhiteWolf McBride is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 209
WhiteWolf McBride is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Please keep Cindy in your prayers.

Big John & Cindy;

Haven't been here long, but I can relate somewhat. I've had Crohns for almost 40 years now, and one of my supposed 'blockages' turned out to be a colon cancer. Doc almost gave me a heart-attach when he said 'adenocarcinoma' - I'd seen enough of National Geographic shows to know the words. THEN he said they got it all, but I'd need to be scanned to be sure.

I got away lucky on that, but the Crohns has been slowly taking my guts. Last hunk was my throat in '08 (Joe & Willy might remember) but I'm still kicking.

Positive thinking, best wishes, and laughter/fun - a few of the better medicines around. That and enjoying the time you have available.

Never give up, never surrender (sorry, the line fits )

- another 'survivor'.
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