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Old 02-19-2013, 04:27 AM
WhiteWolf McBride WhiteWolf McBride is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 209
WhiteWolf McBride is on a distinguished road
Default Re: WT* is wrong with people


Like the theft ain't enough, the BS the insurance companies make ye go through, and then they tell ya its "replacement cost". You buy a replacement, submit the receipt, and they send you the money AFTER they approve it. I lost a computer, TV, stereo VCR, and collection of BattleTech mini's back in '95, and they wouldn't even offer 'seed' money so I could ~start~ to replace it. I told 'em to stuff their policy, and I'd never deal with 'em again.

The only other 'rip' was when I got lazy one evening after an R/C meet, and left the beasties in the car. Came down in the AM, found one door unlocked (think they jimmied it) and they'd taken my babies. ~That~ made me wanna take my ash staff to someone... (5'6" of baseball-bat hardness, owie!)

Now I've learned - if you can't afford to loose it, don't leave it in sight, as someone ~will~ take it. Even the semi-honest someones, as its cheaper than buying it. And don't think " It'll just be out of sight for 30 seconds... " as thats twice as long as they need...

Mark it, label it, make sure people know its YOURS. And don't be obvious about marking... as they'll remove it if they can.

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