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Old 03-11-2013, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: 3D printing KH Body Attempt

Yes there is. That is the next technology that needs to be made more for the consumer base. Just as the 3d printers have become. The real good scanners which use lasers to define 3 dimensional objects are really pricey now, but ive seen people hack The Xbox Kinect to be used as a 3d scanner. Microsoft has caught wind of it and has realized the market for poeple wanting to scan for 3d prining and has said they will release a version of the Kinect for scanning sometime this year. You can also so search youtube for 123d catch which is a program which utilizes multiple photographs taken with a camera to produce 3d imaging. I have the app on my Iphone and its pretty neat when you get all the lighting right..Youll need to clean up the model in a program like Autodesk Meshmixer which fills in holes and fixes details..then you are able to export your model into am STL. file which is what 3d printers recognize and can pprint.
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