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Old 03-21-2013, 07:25 PM
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Green Horn
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Default Re: Scale Art parts and shipping??

I have had tons of orders from Germany from many vendors. Just 2 from ScaleArt. The first one from ScaleArt took about 3 weeks. It was a small lightweight package. The second order was just placed last week. So not sure yet.
In general what I have found with shipping from Germany when they use DHL (which is almost always), is that I always plan on the package getting to me in a min of 1 month... I have received packages in 2 1/2 weeks, and I have had others that took almost 6 weeks. It seemed to be, the bigger, heavier, and more expensive the package, the longer it took. So now I never get worried until it gets closer to a 45 day mark. Yes is sucks to wait that long, but it is sometimes the only way...
As for the tracking, man that will just drive you nuts. Its like torture. Because you will see a bunch of activity up till it says " Item sent to destination country". Then after that there is nothing until it is delivered.
The delay is usually the package sitting in the customs facility here in the USA.
So, my suggestion is always plan on 1 month for receiving any package from Germany and not to get worried until you get to a 40 day mark. That way, if you don't receive the package, you can always make the claim on Paypal.
Good luck,
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