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Old 10-09-2010, 04:12 PM
BigZracingRC BigZracingRC is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Louisville KY
Posts: 37
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Default New Company? LMK if interested

Hey guys! I've been in the hobby for about 5 years now, and I've got some things to run by your guys....
If I were to start a website that would sell Tamiya parts and trailers etc., making replacements, aftermarket, and other parts along with doing custom cnc machining for people, and making trailers of all varieties, and also making rims and in the future, maybe driven axles, would you all be interested? and support the business? or you guys gonna stick with PMD? I'm just putting it out there, its an idea that I've had for a while now, and I have designed over 20 products, but before I make this investment, I want to see if it is worth it. My goal is to get us hobbyist's parts cheaper, because I'm not interested in ripping people off to make a huge profit. My biggest struggle in this hobby has been being able to afford the parts and products, and i have resources that can help me make these products cheaper....JUST A FEELER! No guarantees just want to know your all's opinions! and let me know any other products/services you guys need! I'v also been considering if we could have a nice truck layout like the awesome ones in denmark, germany, norway, and places like that.....let me have your opinions!


Zach Jenkins
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