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Old 04-07-2018, 06:10 PM
skeeter skeeter is offline
Big Dawg On The Bone
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Washington State
Posts: 1,732
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Default Re: Skeeters contracting services

egronvold, YEs sir It'll be a TON of fun, once the Washington State weather cooperted & dries out a bit!

Cooper, Glad I can motivate to get your play area ready.

Efroeh, thank-you sir. It's NOT done............YET! I've got a few more finishing touches to add to it before then.

As I said earlier, I have been doing a LOT of stuff around here lately. I trird to pot it last night, but closed the post, instead of thr Flicker tab I was trying to close. I'll try it again............

Ontop of all the work goign on in RC Land, I mae a lil progress on the loggin truck. I bought the back bumper plate from Reg. The Pintle hitch was from Garden Trucking. I still have to mount the safety chains for it. The empty holes are for more red lights. It came with 2 clear & 2 red lights. I removed the clear ones in favor of more tail lights. This will EVENTUALLY be a PNW style logging truck. Much like Lou has built. For now the 5th wheel plate will stay on, & it'll pull a hyrack style log trailer.
Logging truck by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

In between rain squalls, I've been working on a few scale items

The FIRST batch cast
bricks2 by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

NOT perfect, bu they will work as scale loads for a Tamiya flatbed trailer.
Bricks1 by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

I bought a scale Jersey barrier. They claimed it was 12th scale. In reality it is closer to 14th scale. It was about $24.oo for that ONE barrier with the shipping. I decided I could mold my own far cheaper. The mold making compound OOMOO30 (I'd use OOMOO25 IF I did er again) was $32.oo delivered.

mold2 by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

MOLD8 by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

MOLD9 by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

The material I am using to cast, I found at Homedumpster. CEMENTALL
mold 1 by Anthony Kalnoski, on Flickr

I LOVE this stuff. NO shrinkage like with concrete/cement, & IF the room temperature is at or above 70 degrees, it'll cure in an hour! Since the temps here are no where near that................nearer to 50(ish) I'm avergain about 1.5-2 hours cure time.
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