Thread: LASER or GPS?
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Old 07-01-2013, 05:54 PM
apfubar apfubar is offline
Green Horn
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Default Re: LASER or GPS?


My 2 cents...

If you just wanted a level I think the laser side should be doable. I should be possible to use an arduino on the model and work out if the tool is high or low.

For slopes and curved surfaces that would take some more doing. The problem is adding the other two co-ordinates in space. You may have to be sneaky and put a laser sender on the model, the receiver stationary and connected to a pc, which does the calcs(where is the model, what height should it be at, what controls to move to get it to the target height), then send the instructions back to the model. Also this way the battery power for the model isn't sucked up in computing cycles.

The last part should be easy, either with another TX and receiver, or a trainer style system, with the pc being the trainee.

It would be a cool project... Either way.

P.s. one last word, I don't know how the real ones work, how much they are, or if they are being minaturised at all. But obviously if there is something commercially available that may be easier.
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