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Old 08-11-2014, 11:19 AM
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FlyingBeagle FlyingBeagle is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Lexington, KY
Posts: 167
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Default Re: LilGiantsConstrCO

The shop is looking great. My shop in the basement of my house is a similar size with the exact same layout. One thing I did was to put a double (5-0x6-8) set of doors from the gararge to the workshop. It makes it so much easier to move equipment and materials into the workshop. Since my basement is all conditioned I didnt need insulated doors. At Lowes a single (2-6x6-8) door was $70 and a double was $278 When I was buying the doors I got to looking and the head is the exact same as the non hinge side jamb. I bought 2 single doors and removed the right jamb from one and the left from another. I used one of the jambs as a new head to make a pair. It only took about 45 minutes to do. Just make sure you buy a set of opposite handed doors.
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