I got this in the mail a couple days ago,,,,,,
I wanted to build my own excavator but I do not have the knowledge of how the components work like turntable and undercarriage. My thoughts on this excavator after reading a lot of others are something to play with and over winter hope to build my own. I may use parts like tracks and arm. Things that are difficult for me to make. And I have some immediate work for a digger.
. Initial thoughts--wow this is cool!! Later thoughts-- need better bucket, very slow track speed and hydraulics are much in need of rebuilding. (Like rebuilding from scratch with different materials and design). 3 of the 4 cylinders leak, weep and just ooze fluid. Need a filter also. But,,, I am happy with having something rtr that I can work. Oh and need to change controls, cat control is what I would prefer. I don't have a funmotec (ideal digger for me) to compare but with some tlc and a bit of work I think this ex is a fine addition to my growing fleet of overpriced waste of money toys as my wife says