Thread: Where to buy?
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Old 02-16-2012, 05:11 AM
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Default Re: Where to buy?

Originally Posted by Wyatt View Post
Well, I know you guys all make your custom rigs, but I am looking for some decent construction equipment for a decent price, I saw some on the web for 5 grand and there is no way I could afford something of that price, So do you guys know where I can get some construction equipment for a pretty cheap price. I have such a huge desire to get into this hobby

I agree with the other posts Wyatt, the cost of things is all relative, lots of people will spend $200 on a saturday night on alcohol or even more on drugs and look what they get for it.
A good hobby is a must in life. Life will throw all kinds of drama at you from every angle and a interest outside of the other areas of your life eg: work, family, friends, can be a real refuge in tough times.
I might suggest to get something cheap, maybe a Tamiya truck, build it, run it, modify it, tinker with it, use it to get ideas and maybe in time you may construct something yourself or be more cashed up for something more expensive. Good luck.
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