Thread: Paypal Peeve
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Old 10-05-2011, 08:33 AM
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Default Re: Paypal Peeve

As I am 1 of the "Cheapskates", I feel that I should voice my opinion on this. 1) If the recipient of the money is a business member he gets charged a fee for every transaction. So it is not 3% but whatever paypal wants to charge the business member. This is the fee for being a business member. 2) After so many transactions paypal will automatically change your status to an advantage member- takes over $5000 worth of transactions in 1 year. Mine was changed to this last month so I know this is a fact! 3) Why pay paypal to handle an electronic transaction? This is all done by computer with no one doing a thing. 4) Paypal is part of ebay now. With ebays' rising fees, do you really want to make them just that much more money? 5) Security??? Is there any real security in any of the ways to send money to someone for anything? NO!!! You can get ripped off even when each party does everything possible to get things right. Again, this is from experience. After having my paypal account changed I am now asking for money orders instead of using paypal. Again this is because I do not wish to have my paypal account changed again to a business member. Ebay is making enough money off of me as it is
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