Thread: Paypal Peeve
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Old 10-05-2011, 11:13 PM
WhiteWolf McBride WhiteWolf McBride is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 209
WhiteWolf McBride is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Paypal Peeve

Guys (and gals?)

You each have your right to your own opinion. As do I, as do we all. Right?

I've been burned once on PayPal: the UK bugger took my money, then emptied & abandonned his account. PayPal got me 0.89 out of 100+ Euro. That hurt. But thats once in 10 years, and about 200 transactions.

Yes, I send money via gift to people I ~KNOW~ & ~TRUST~ (like Joe & Willy) But if a stranger asks me to, it'd be " Nope, sorry, thats a deal-breaker. " As for cheques or MO's, I don't send 'em. Filing for cross-border mail fraud and money recovery is just not worth the hassles. As for receiving 'em... OY. I almost got burned by Ken Meyer (the notorious Texas Thief) I'll accept an MO or cheque, sure, but I wait until my bank says its cleared before I post. PayPal goes out the same day.

As for Fees - PayPal skins us Canadians TWICE. You only wait 3-4 days for a transfer, they burn us for 6-8 days, even if the money is pulled from our account on day 1. They make 7 days worth of interest off us, so you guys got it EASY.

Customs? Heck, UPS & FedEx burn us on brokerage fees. USPS/Canada Post assessment is a flat $8.50 fee, plus any taxes (13% in Ontario) The couriers can burn us for whatever they want. I've been hit for 400% on a small styrene model ($15 off eBay). They don't leave parcel delivery notes, they've poked holes in boxes so they could carry them easily, and have stood $700 R/C models up on end (luckily I'd made sure seller packed the tank well). Unless I'm desperate, its USPS or nothing, because their service is as good for us Canucks as USPS is (if not better)

When all is said and done, Admin here has the right to make policy, and enforce it if they can/wish, its their forum after all, right? If my own policies (as above) prevent me from selling or buying here, so be it. Thats life.

But one note: ScaleLover dealt with me despite my being here under a week, he got paid promptly (damned Echeque 8-day delay) and though he's sick now, and his wife has to post for him, he made sure she checked with me to be sure the package went out the right way. Will I consider paying half (aka my fair share) of fees next time? Most likely.

Boycott eBay/PayPal it if you want, but don't expect others to conform to your policies. Transactions are two-sided (at least) and unless the parties involved agree to terms, it doesn't happen.

You both have your personal policies. Why argue about who is right? It only matters ~if~ you wanna deal with each other, or Admin sets a policy. Until then... Just CHILL.

And as Willy might suggest, go get a beer and a brat!

- patiently awaiting his package, & hoping ScaleLover feels better real soon.

Last edited by WhiteWolf McBride; 10-05-2011 at 11:25 PM. Reason: addition...
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