Thread: Fr Sky Taranis
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Old 09-20-2017, 12:35 PM
scottyk scottyk is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Re: Fr Sky Taranis

You can also use this radio to program mixing for hydraulic pumps so you can run it at a idle when there is no demand and then speed up the pump at certain % of input. I went from a over heating pump and short battery life to a nice cool pump and 4x the run time on my batteries. This was in a hydraulic converted Bruder Excavator. I have a 3-way switch setup for off/low power/high power mode, just in case I need to increase pressure for faster movement or more power, or shut it off completely when waiting for a dump truck to come back or something.

I plan on using one of these radios in my dump truck build to control a smoke system and increase smoke based on throttle and dump bed.

Sorry I have no specific instructions on how to set this up. "im at work without my radio here" but I know it did take some experimenting and testing to get it right. and there are TONS of how to videos on youtube showing how to setup various things with this radio.
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