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Old 06-08-2016, 10:34 PM
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Mama Sue Mama Sue is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Sault Ste Marie, On, Can
Posts: 407
Mama Sue is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Way to go sue!!!

It has been a while. When my mom passed my world changed forever, I am imagining, so I had to give up a few things I enjoyed. She was so happy to see a hobby that a couple, especially Mario & I, she had a soft spot for him, enjoy so much. I admit that some of my passion is gone because she's not here but life in general has managed to get in the way. I may not be here but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking of the hobby or the group of people we've met. I became my Dad's secretary, financial adviser, social planner, confidant, cook, cleaner and the list goes on. But let me tell you that I never imagined having to be my Dad's dating counselor, he is worse than a teenage girl. My parents taught me at an early age to give of myself and so I have. Thank you for all the kind words. It makes me feel good to help. I've never been and probably never with be rich money wise but I am rich with family, friends, Morales, values and the desire to help. I don't like to see others in trouble times. I also want my children and beautiful granddaughter to be proud of who I was. I could not do all I do without the support of my family and friends. xoxo
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