Thread: RC Benchy
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Old 10-07-2022, 02:04 PM
ddmckee54 ddmckee54 is offline
Green Horn
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Posts: 252
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Default Re: RC Benchy

It's the first paint job that I've done in more years than I care to remember, so it's got some warts. Being the cheap-skate that I am, I didn't want pay 10 bucks for 250ml of thinner that is essentially rubbing alcohol... So I used rubbing alcohol. It worked for some, but it seemed to have affected stick-to-it-tiveness of the binder for the last coat of black that I sprayed on the hull. The crap literally rubbed off.

I threw a coat of semi-gloss water based poly on everything to put a stop to that nonsense. In the process the black rubbed/chipped off down to the primer in some places. I brushed the poly on - should have sprayed it but after what happened with the black I didn't want to try thinning the poly to get is to spray through my air-brush. Consequently the brush picked up some of the black, now the whole boat has a chipped/weathered look. I won't tell anybody that it wasn't intentional if you won't.

I've still got the interior of the pilot-house to do. I'm still pondering how I want the wheel to look. It's definitely going to be multi-colored, but **** that's a lot of spokes to mask. Most of Mario was painted without masking - and it SHOWS!

The wheel's spokes would have to be masked. While typing this I have been plottin'-n-conivin' the wheel's color scheme. As Baldrick would way - "I have a clever plan M'Lord." I'll work on it this week-end and see how it turns out. Might have been an epiphany - might just have been a brain-fart.

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