Acquired my first piece. Got a 'used' 1400 XL off ebay. Not too used as the photo will show...if I get it on here.
Okay, it has the 4 valve version. What is the difference, and what does the 4th valve do?
I cannot tell if there is a slip ring or not. Should I be careful about that?
Where is the radio setting for the pump? The previous owner said he messed with it and I have no clue what motor rpm/pressure I have. Everything seems to work, so I guess I did okay. Not a Vario but I just don't have that kind of funds for play.
Have not tried to dig yet, but did pinch the heeck out of the wife's leg.
I got in hot doo do.
Oh ya, these need provisions to grease them up easier, needs to be disassembled to do this before any real use.