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Old 01-31-2016, 06:27 PM
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Default Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

I've been playing with rock crawlers over at scale 4x4 rc for a long time. Reccently while i was bored I ran across videos of Little Giants construction digging out his basement on youtube again. I thought that looked like fun, ventured back into the rc ag & industrial forums and started finding out that hydraulic models are in 'cubic dollars' so maybe not fun after all...

Then i saw 'the stuff' and 'small haul' converting doepke Unit cranes and Tonka dump trucks and saw a more affordable entry into this world. Old toys and servos being massively cheaper than hydro, this could work. Cable machines are cool and have more visible stuff moving around and i don't have to worry about rivet counters telling me my build is wrong since it's a toy.

So i started by finding my 1990s 1930s nylint dumptruck, and scaling up a papercraft crane i found on a japanese site, then began making it in brass.

While working on it i ran across a 1955-56 Nylint Clark T-24 Michigan Crane which saves a ton of time vs rolling my own. I noticed a couple guys on here have converted these already so i'm hoping i can steal some knowlege.

Right now i'm wanting to build 3 cable drums and slew, build a dragline bucket. i'd like to eventually add drive and steer and maybe lighting.

Last edited by frizzen; 07-19-2017 at 04:51 AM. Reason: photobutt
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Old 01-31-2016, 07:58 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Awesome! another crane!

here is what I used to get the main part to swing.

All my pics of conversion here - http://s15.photobucket.com/user/ANTh...?sort=4&page=1
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Old 01-31-2016, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Here is a link to a video I just put together with some of the pictures of my NyLint conversion.


I thought this was a pretty good conversion candidate. Lots of room in this cab for everything you will need to put in there.

You can find my conversion thread that I made, but all of my photos were lost and the thread is pretty lacking without them



Last edited by Rvjimd; 01-31-2016 at 09:20 PM. Reason: Added link
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Old 01-31-2016, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Thank you very much, i was hoping i'd be able to get more pics of your build! I apologise in advance for the amount of questions i'm going to ask of everyone.

Is there a good way to access the counterweight section, or are you just working through the windows?
Were your pulleys for crowd and boom elevation home made or production?
What diameters did you find work best for the winch drums? I saw a few sizes.

So is the crane house just resting on the plastic swing gear, or is there a bearing setup other than just the pivot?
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Old 02-01-2016, 09:06 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Getting into the counterweight part of the crane was my first issue.

There are spot welds around the top of the "lid". I drilled out the welds and the lid can be removed for really good access. This makes a great conversion in my opinion because of all the space. Be careful removing the lid and you will be able to use it as a removable lid to change batteries. I run two separate lipo batteries as well as lead counterweight and there is plenty of room for all of it.

I made all the rope drums for mine on the little unimat lathe. it works good on hoist and drag/crowd drums to make the diameter as large as possible and still let you "stack" the servos together. I made the boom drum pretty small diameter thinking I didn't want it to move fast. You could use that approach on the hoist if you were planning to do lots of heavy lifting but I don't think it matters much. I think this part of the conversion is more about making the servo mounts work well and easy to install, then make the drums.

Here is a pic of the pulleys I made for the boom required for dragline configuration. I really want to make a fairleed but haven't done it yet. You could probably just run the drag rope out thru a small hole in the front of the cab without the two pulleys. They way I have these keeps the drag rope from riding on the cab.

The house is simply sitting on top of the plastic gear. I don't even have a retaining nut to hold it down. Here is a picture of the truck chassis and the slightly different version on my custom crawler base.

When you detach the house from the truck, carefully grind off the top of the stud to leave the stud attached to the truck, and as long as possible.

On the truck, I did drill and tap the stud and add a cap washer and screw to hold it together. This way if someone picks up the house it won't separate from the truck.

Here is the crawler version, I enlarged the hole and made a large post/stud to mount to the crawler base. This has a small center hole to hold the slip ring needed for power transfer to the tracks. My plan was to mod the truck to match so I could move the crane back to the truck if I wanted.

Feels like I have hijacked your build thread, sorry

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Old 02-01-2016, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

I don't think it's a hijack at all, i asked you for advice. If you'd prefer i can ask all kinds of questions over in your build thread.

Awesome i hadn't figured out if it was spotwelds or tabs yet. Those pics are really helpful.

It's not really a build thread yet, all i've done on the crane is string it, start straightening a few things, and fix the outriggers. I'm planning, and gathering advice and ideas, and um making motor noises while playing with it. You guys have done the hard work i'm just going to steal whatever ideas i can.
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Old 08-27-2016, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Hey Frizzen you got this done yet? You got 2 of the masters working with you it ought to be close I missed some of the posts on here, don't overlook the fact that the longer you make the boom the larger the counter weight you'll need. If you make it much longer and you do a side swing it will tip it over without lifting anything
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Old 08-30-2016, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

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Old 08-30-2016, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

That's pretty much exactly what i had been thinking, i just didn't know how much force the machine uses vs the plastic strenght. I was trying to overcomplicate things.

I'm going to have to send you a pm, that's looking beautiful.
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Old 08-30-2016, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

As long as you add a support rack for the off side I think it will work great, I only put two screws in the plastic horn. The screws are about 1/2" of from center so they will have all kinds of torque way out there and they only need to turn the drum. I have two of them made.

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Old 08-31-2016, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Here is the third one in the lathe, just about to drill the center hole.

Frizz, send me that PM. I can probably send these to you Thursday. I'm think I'll make the mounting bracket for the servos and the off side support as well.

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Old 08-31-2016, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully


Here are the three drums. I made a little angle bracket for them and decided to stop there and see what you think? They will need a strap across the opposite end of the servo mount tabs and I used a small 1/4" channel for the off end drum support. The center hole in the off end of the drums could be enlarged a bit at the end to match the head of a #6 cap screw which could be threaded into the channel to support the off side of the drums.

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Old 09-02-2016, 02:55 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully


Mailed some stuff your way this morning, supposed to arrive Tuesday.

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Old 09-07-2016, 07:37 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Mail came right before i had to leave for work. Eventually i got home and got to open this up!

They look awesome, thank you so much!

I'm going to have to study your setup on the C-24 a bit more.

Last edited by frizzen; 07-19-2017 at 05:20 AM. Reason: photobutt
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Old 09-07-2016, 08:25 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully


once you start messing with it, let me know if you need more detail or have questions.

Oh, and I don't know for sure, but I think the center holes are a bit undersized for 1/8" shaft.

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Old 09-11-2016, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Good call on the hs-645 being easy to mod to contious rotation. I had all 4 servos swapped pretty quick.
Verify it works, open up, unscrew pot retainer screw inside, remove the output gear, support the gear on a v-block or pair of pliers and bump pin out. Reassemble, lube gears, verify ops and center pot. I may swap the pots out later for matched set gold band resistors if i'm in there sometime later...

Have they been looked into enough to see if there's a way to open up the deadband a bit wider?

Were the shafts you used made from piano wire, or from a certain donor?
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Old 09-11-2016, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Shafts for the pulleys you mean? I used 1/8" steel round from the "hobby" rack at menards. I think you may need to drill out the center hole, I think they were a bit under size but verify.

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Old 12-12-2016, 05:58 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Build goes slow, lots of life happened...

I know you said 1/8 steel rod is fine to support pulleys, but crazy lives here. Aluminum and steel don't play that nicely together, and i can't remember i'm converting a toy to a better toy. I haven't decided the pulleys need polished and alodined yet, it's probably not far off. Blah blah blah, fretting, types of corrosion, galling...
So finally made it to the hobby shop and got my suppolt rod setup: 1/8 steel rod stock held with 1/8 E-clips, 5/32 brass tube as bushing between pulley and rod.

Also i realized that the back of my cab roof has seperated spotwelds from the right side of the house so that needs cleaned up and braized.

Last edited by frizzen; 08-17-2017 at 09:21 PM.
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Old 12-23-2016, 07:28 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

More boring scratch-build notes:
Picked up the slewing ring gear, an Align trex 500 main gear, 162 teeth, 1/4" tall, 3.986" od. (Thanks again jim)

It seems to mesh ok with a servo spline mount gear i picked up several years ago. Hitech hs-645mg use C1 spline, this gear is 18 teeth, 1/8" tall, 0.426" od. I forgot if it's 32 or 48 pitch.
Gear ratio comes in at 9:1.
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Old 12-23-2016, 08:22 AM
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Default Re: Nylint michigan crane conversion, hopefully

Nice to see you working on it! Jim
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