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Old 09-29-2010, 09:18 PM
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DieselKid DieselKid is offline
Green Horn
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Default New Bruder Models

I have been anticipating as I'm sure some of you have the arrival of the new 2010/2011 models that Bruder has to offer.

Thought the release of the new models would be no sooner than early winter but after browsing the 3000 Toys website tonight I see that's not the case, at least not when it comes to these...

The new JD combines have been out for a little while on the other side of the pond but are just now making their way to Ebay from US sellers who've imported them....

Nothing earth-shattering, especially if you're not a fan of Bruder (but honestly who isn't?)......but just thought I'd share for those like me who absolutely love and appreciate everything the Bruder pieces have to offer.

Whatever floats your boat, just as long as it doesn't sink mine...
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